Monday, July 2, 2007

Bored on a Conference Call

I'm trying to post more often this month.

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
Don't fence me in.
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
Don't fence me in.
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze,
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees,
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in.

That’s the first verse of Bing Crosby’s “Don’t Fence Me In”. This is what I foresee George W. Bush’s life being after he leaves office, and good for him. I’m looking forward to him replacing his father as Bill Clinton’s international wing man. Add Newt Gingrich and Colin Powell to complete the New Rat Pack – sorry, no other Democrats are cool enough for this crew. They’ll do two sets of brokering world peace by day and party till dawn every night. However, I see Dick “Darth Coronary” Cheney spending the rest of his life getting revenge on the weak willed traitors in the Republican Party who have betrayed him recently. You know, for expecting him to tell them what he’s been doing for the past six and a half years. He’s trying to accomplish something, dammit. He’s Victor Drazen from 24 with better resources and a fouler disposition. He found out that bird shot isn’t going to get the job done when he tested it accidentally shot his friend in the face. I imagine he’ll skip buckshot and load the shells with 18 dimes dipped in rat poison.


I rented the first season of 24 last week, and after watching it the only conclusion I can come to is that women are stupid (Teri and Kim Bauer) or careerist, backstabbing, uber-beeotches (every other women on the show). If Bill Gates and Warren Buffett pooled all of their money the Bauer women still wouldn’t have enough to put a clue on lay-away (90 days same as cash). Kim gets a pass because good Lord is she a lot of Aryan refreshment. I apologize if anyone is offended, but I think I can speak for the group here, the heterosexual American male finds little more appealing than a young, dumb, hot chick with an aversion to clothing. SPOILERS FOLLOW SO STOP READING IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS SHOW AND YOU WANT TO: As for the uber-beeotches: Nina is has been a double-agent the whole time. She was Jack’s mistress when he was separated, not divorced, from Teri, and after stabbing Teri in the back metaphorically she shoots her in the back literally. The soon to be first lady, Sherry Palmer, attempts to have one of her husband’s aides seduce him so he won’t be able to ignore what she wants. She’s covered up a murder and is frustrated when her husband won’t cover up a second. Those are the four main women on the show. If I have missed a female with even a glance at a redeeming quality please comment and let me know.


MJ said...

How your mind darts about...
(a quote from...)

JSG said...

That was something.

LJ's thought pattern flows from Bing Crosby to uber-beeyotches in a matter of minutes.

Thanks for the ride