Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Viva La Revolución!!!

Castro Pone Fin a Casi 50 Años de Poder

As Desi Arnaz is my witness, I told you Fidel no tenía what it took to rule Cuba for very long. It’s like mi abuelita negra used to say El Diablo es un cobadre. BIENVENIDO CUBA LIBRA!!! Wait a minute. ¿Dónde está mi arroz? No es arroz con pollo sin el arroz. Escuche Mr. Chic Fil A. No floté a través del océano en una balsa para no comer mi arroz. Racism in this day and age, an old man can’t get any rice. Treat me like I was medio-Puertorriqueño.

Can we lift the embargo now, pretty please? You win Mr. Nixon. Fidel has fallen. I don’t care about the politics, and I don’t care about the cigars. I’m a little bit – and by a little bit I mean really, really – interested in Cuban rum. I want the “Pearl of the Caribbean” open for my enjoyment. I don’t know about anyone else but I prefer short plane rides to long plane rides, as long as the short plane ride is scheduled to be a short plane ride. A short plane ride scheduled as a long plane ride tends not to work out for most people. Can we annex Cuba now, like we should have done at the end of the Spanish-American war? We kept Guam instead. I just want a trip to the Caribbean to be as simple as a trip to Disney. Maybe Disney will buy Cuba and rename Havana Celebración. It wouldn’t surprise me if, as his last act in power, Castro sold Cuba to Microsoft. Then Microsoft could get into the sugar business. What could possibly go wrong there?

I’m a bit manic right now. I don’t think I should have had that second Diet Mountain Dew. I’m seeing vapor trails. Is that bad?

I just got a weekly fair update from Delta, and I can go from Daytona to Atlanta for $59, but there’s no mention of Jacksonville to Havana. I’ll pay as much as $102 to get to Havana, even if I have to go through Atlanta – which I would since it’s Delta. Castro said he wasn’t going to “run” again at least an hour ago. Let’s make this happen. Banana daiquiris on me.


BellsOn said...

And a round of mojitos with the best rum on me. Call me when you get a reservation to Havana--I'm there.

JSG said...

Book me on the flight too. It may be the only place we can vacation where the US dollar is worth more than 50 cents.

EJG said...

I agree that Disney should buy Cuba and make it the fifth park, but then there would be no casinos. And I want casinos. Perhaps Trump would be interested.

Cora Spondence said...

The first flight needs to go to my mother so she can see the rest of her peoples. And get decent health care.

Anonymous said...

i agree: Disney should buy Cuba. By the way, we got Guam from WWII (the Big One). What we kept from the Spanish American War were the Philippines (so we could have a central Pacific base) and Puerto Rico (so we could have a source of cheap labor and populate Jersey City).

DiaBelo said...

Me gusta your posta.