Governor Palin was in town today, and her presence made it difficult for me to park. If I wasn’t already voting for Obama, she would have lost my vote for making me trek. I rode the trolley and walked through downtown with a bunch of people hoping to see her. One guy asked me which trolley stop was closest to the Landing, which is where she was speaking. I’d parked next to this guy, and he had all the cutesy bumper stickers on his Kia SUV. He and his wife/girlfriend/companion were wearing “Sarah is My Homegirl” t-shirts (WTF does that mean?), and it surprised me when he asked me politely where to get off the train. I’d built up a whole bunch of hatred for this jackass, and I was fully prepared to jam his nose up into his neo-con pseudo-brain. YOU’RE GUN DIDN’T HELP YOU TODAY DID IT, BITCH! He was a nice guy who was excited about seeing a charismatic candidate and possible future President of the United States that he’s supporting. This is something he’s hoping he can tell his children about – Ranger, Calc, Monaco, and Oktoberfest. That’s a positive thing. Generally, people aren’t assholes. They have to be pushed. Unless they’re elected officials, and unfortunately, they’re usually the only ones we hear from. We got off the train and there was a line around the block. I felt bad because there was no way in hell this guy was going to see Sarah Palin. I don’t know where he came from, but I’m sure he didn’t pay to park and then ride public transportation downtown so he could marvel at the wonder that is the Modis building. I hope he and his fellow Palinistas that couldn’t get into the Landing found something fun to do so their trips weren’t complete wastes of time. At least he made me think about starting “Be Nice to Neo-cons
Stop putting those distrubing pictures at the top of your posts.
Nice job curbing most of your cursing and tendencies toward violence. I'm glad you found it in your heart to be kind to the guy.
Ditto on what MJ commanded. Although seeing those photos does make me wretch enough so I can have an extra dessert which I appreciate after a long hard day.
Some of that post did make upi sound a little like the love child of Chris Rock and Anne Frank. But in a good way.
Okay, a bit of a typo on that last comment. That second paragraph should read:
Some of that post did make YOU sound a little like the love child of Chris Rock and Anne Frank.
Would comment but can't see keyboard.
The picture of Palin is reflective of all of her capabilities to be our next Vice President.
I am also shocked that the "maverick" follower was nice, maybe people are changing.
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