Monday, September 28, 2009

I Had To Write About Something

I was searching for a topic for tonight and MJ suggested I write about a conversation we just had. I was looking at the awful photo on my YMCA membership card and commented on my obesity and billboard sized forehead. It’s not a good photo. Even the demons at the DMV would have retaken it. It was taken on a cheap webcam and printed onto the card with a cheap printer. I was fat when the picture was taken, hence joining the gym, so it is what it is. The fivehead is something different. I’m not a Klingon. Anyway, the conversation started with me saying, “Damn, I was fat! And my forehead isn’t that big, is it?!?” MJ asked LMJ if I had a big forehead, and this is where the hilarity ensued – for MJ. We were both expecting LMJ’s standard “Yip”, which means “Yeah whatever, I’m doing something right now and I’m not interested in your questions” since she was engrossed in contemplating the emptiness of the Quaker Oats cylinder. Instead we got, “Yip, it’s REALLY big!” Like, damn! Y’all didn’t know? Daddy, you can’t even blame it on a receding hair line. I could show movies on that thing, in HD. Fortunately for me, I’m secure in my physical appearance. Actually, this whole thing was another opportunity for LMJ to use her adverbs. She makes a point to identify everything as “really” or “very”. It’s a lot of fun for me to watch her build her language piece by piece and word by word. I’m trying to do my part by using correct forms and syntax. I’m making a conscious effort to hold on to all of my G’s. She’s going to be a total geek when I unleash her onto the unsuspecting world send her off to kindergarten, but that’s fine with me. I’m not worried about her getting teased too much for sounding like William F. Buckley when she’s five. That’s what the jiu-jitsu classes are for.

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