Monday, February 9, 2009


Florida is dead last in education, and state Senator Stephen Wise is introducing an intelligent design bill. I wish he had been my senator when I was in high school…And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That’s the King James version of Genesis 1:31. I would have gotten an A in 9th grade Biology if that was my final exam. Instead, I got a whole bunch of gene this and chromosome that. I had to study the effects of different types of light on the growth of African violets, and present my findings to my peers and my teacher. I had to dissect a frog. I can still smell the formaldehyde. I had to break into the school board building and change the grade(s) on my report card, so my parents wouldn’t know that I didn’t do any homework, and I could still get my party on. My life would have been so much easier in all my science classes if I didn’t have to prove anything, if I could just spout whatever came into my mind, and have it qualify as a scientific theory. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. That’s Genesis 2:1-2. That’s post graduate level work right there. Depending on your copy of the Bible that’s page two or at least the second column of page one. I deserve a Nobel Prize in biology before we even get into the fact that I’ve seen fish, dolphins, manatees, and alligators in the waters here in Jacksonville. Marine biology could have been my specialty if it wasn’t for the “scientific community” and their “peer reviewed” work. Clearly, all they do is mainline Haterade.


Anonymous said...

In 1982 I recommended that we seiously improve the quality of life in Florida by calling the Legislature into joint session , sealing the windows and doors of the chamber, and pumping out all the air (quite a trick with the Legislature in session. And they just get worse!

Anonymous said...

In 1982 I recommended that we seiously improve the quality of life in Florida by calling the Legislature into joint session , sealing the windows and doors of the chamber, and pumping out all the air (quite a trick with the Legislature in session. And they just get worse!

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to do that twice. I guess Intelligent Design didn't reach me.

JSG said...

Why should we attack Science only?

While we're at it, can there be some kind of bill to eliminate the need for quadratic equations and for getting kids to understand the conjunctive tense?