What the f**k? The Catholic Church is pimping plenary indulgences, again. Isn’t this what got you folks in trouble 500 years ago with some overzealous Germans? Is “overzealous Germans” redundant? Was W right, is the Apocalypse upon us? Did he usher in the end of days? I ask because people are losing their freaking minds – Stephen Wise. I’m not Catholic. This doesn’t affect me, but I’m baffled that highly educated, politically astute men of the Catholic episcopate came to a consensus that this was a good idea. Even the Republican Party figured out that you can’t continually turn inward and expect to survive. Martin Luther’s idea that the Church shouldn’t be dealing with sin on a cash and carry basis caught on a while ago. Didn’t the rampant violence tip the Church off that something was amiss – possibly, maybe, perhaps? Two lessons should be learned from the response to Luther’s theses: first, be careful what you write down, and second, to paraphrase Princess Leia, the more you tighten your fist, the more parishes will slip through your fingers. In a world more cynical than ever, made even more so by the global recession, the literal powers that be decided to start selling granting plenary indulgences in an effort to make what was old new again. Are there bishops somewhere in a dark dungeon in the Vatican trying to get Galileo re-excommunicated? This is kind of like Coca Cola reintroducing cocaine into the mix. F**K WIT DAT RED BULL! PUNK ASS DIET PEPSI MAX BITCHES. CHECK OUT THE NEW PROPRIETARY BLEND. WHAT WAS OLD IS NOW BRAND NEW AGAIN. IT DOES RHYME! SHUT UP!! I WILL KILL YOU!! It seems like a good idea in a vacuum or if the only bad ideas are the ones not voiced, but in the real world it’s not going to sell, and people are going to not only think you’re out of touch, but that you’re crazy.
1 comment:
I love the picture, and your ability to follow current events that have passed me by. :)
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