Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Worst Part of The Race Was Not Finding EJG and JSG at The End
Friday, February 27, 2009
Moaning and Groaning and Whining and Complaining
A woman in my office had her last day today. She was laid off. She’d been there forever. She didn’t really do anything and probably never should have been hired in the first place, but it’s weird when someone you work with is let go because of the depression – yeah, I said it. However, some other people should follow her. Nothing frustrates me more than when someone tries to do something extra, and in doing so fails to do their job.
Finally, I would like to give a big middle finger to UBS – the Swiss bank. For hundreds of years they actively profited by helping criminals hide money, proudly. But when the US government puts a little pressure on them they cave in and snitch. They’re a Swiss bank, and yes they make legitimate money here, but their bread and butter has been made by keeping people’s secrets. Tell the US Department of Justice to go f**k themselves, and shut down US operations or do some time. The snitching isn’t what really bothers me; it’s the delusion that they’re respected members of the business community. They’re willing to rat out people for tax evasion, but they don’t have a problem hoarding Nazi loot.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
MJ Wanted Me to Write About Obama's Speech, But I Was Watching These Instead
I’m thinking about the profundity of yesterday’s post, and the stagnation of the male mind. One of the things I do that really irritates my wife is watching videos on YouTube and laughing hysterically. She asks what’s so funny. I answer you don’t want to know – and she doesn’t. Most likely, neither do you. None of this stuff is “you don’t want to know” in a Tony Soprano or Chris Hansen kind of way. That’s “I don’t want you to know” stuff. This stuff causes soul searching and raises questions like: How am I married to this idiot? How do I leave my daughter with this idiot? Is he ever going to outgrow this? If you haven’t clicked on any of the links above, they are videos of a professional wrestler raving about Hulk Hogan, a guy in a garage using an air compressor to make fart jokes, and a guy getting kicked in the head by a horse (he was beating the horse so he deserved it). There is also a link to an article from The Onion about Japanese porn. What these all have in common is that they have me in stitches every single time I watch or read them. I thought the law of diminishing returns was universal. Apparently it isn’t. At least not when it comes to “THE OATIMATE WOHYAHH” telling everyone why “HOAK HOGAN AND ALL HIS HOAKAMANIACS” will be disappointed at Wrestlemania 6. I can’t defend the videos other than to say it’s a guy thing, and women wouldn’t understand. The Onion article is well written, and I think may have some crossover appeal. The names of the distribution companies are my favorite. A big reason MJ gets upset is because when I find gems like these it’s usually late at night or first thing in the morning and my cackling might wake up the baby. I watch her run through a quick cost/benefit analysis of me in her head, and decide whether or not to put me out of her misery. It’s a good thing I can lift heavy stuff, and I change diapers.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Distillation and/or Concentration of Social Abnormalities in The 21st Century.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Update: I Should Eat More Fiber Because This Is Painful
Plaxico’s Twitter: I’m looking for my gun so I can stick it in my pants and go have some fun.
Plaxico’s Wife's Twitter: Sweetie, I got rid of all the guns because we’re millionaires and have adequate police protection in our neighborhood. Not to mention that you’re stupid, and stupid people should never be armed. ILY.
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm Stuffed Up, So This Post Goes Off The Rails A Little Bit
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I'm Not Trying To Be Arrogant or Negative; I'm Just Right. And This Works For Movies Too
Saturday, February 21, 2009
LJ and the Bee
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sorry for the Short Post
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Long Run
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Name Is Paul, And This Is Between Y'all.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
10x400 Interval Training
Monday, February 16, 2009
I Got Nothing
I'm bored with my Facebook games. They're just ways for them to recruit more people onto Facebook. We went to J.L. Trent's for lunch today. It's a Southern Seafood place. Southern is read Fried. We ordered three meals and they didn't bring us anything that wasn't some shade of golden brown - I had a salad. That's why I love the South. We went for a walk around the neighborhood tonight, which we haven't done in a while, and it was great. I love living where I live. I would write more if I had any imagination, and if I didn't have an assignment to watch the Closer from last week so I can watch the Closer from this week at 9 o'clock
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It’s Running Season
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Winnie the Pooh: A Critical Analysis?

Friday, February 13, 2009
Following Standard Imperial Procedure
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It's Not Logical. It's Psychological
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Maybe Getting Old Isn't Better Than The Alternative

I was bouncing around the interweb today, and I saw this Sports Illustrated cover that made me feel really old. It’s came out twenty years ago today, which is why it popped up on the S.I. website. I remember this cover because my buddy was infatuated with Kathy Ireland, and he called me when his copy arrived. He was really happy that she made the cover – like he got a bonus for it or something. At the time Ms. Ireland, along with Elle MacPherson and Rachel Hunter, was tops in pound for pound hotness amongst American males between the ages of ten and twenty-five. That ten year old is thirty and that twenty-five year old is starting to think about retirement. Or at least he was until last October. Thanks to Facebook I can see the faces of the people, and even some pictures of the events that were going on in my life at that time. I remember acting like a fool every single weekend at another buddy’s house, which had been left to him when his parents moved to North Carolina. I remember the layout of the house. I remember the island in the kitchen. I remember the dead yard. I saw the magazine cover in the bottom corner of my screen this afternoon and I was the jackass kid with a high top fade and the worst attitude in the history of bad attitudes. What’s funny is that MJ was there. What’s not funny is that when I looked into the mirror I was surprised at what I saw. I spent the afternoon looking through the eyes of eighteen year old me. I had no use for the thirty-eight year old me. I hit rock bottom when I searched for a current picture of Kathy - yes we’re on a first name basis now – and she’s stunning, but she’s not the flawless siren she was when she was twenty-five. Back then I would have clubbed baby seals with other baby seals just to see her in real life. Now I imagine trying to have a conversation with a twenty-five year old supermodel, and I wonder if the beer I would be pounding would make her more or less annoying. If that change of perspective is what happens with age, I think I may have had enough.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sure, why not?

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I Really Wish Fitness Was Easy
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I Have Nothing To Write About Tonight
"MJ, you put your dirty clothes on my towel again. Come on, you're better than that."
"You shouldn't use language like that in front of the baby. You're better than that."
"You hit an artery. Who's going to clean up all that blood? Come on now, you're better than that."
Sweetie, I wouldn't be coaching you if I didn't care. Now get in there and show me whatcha got.
End of stream of consciousness
Friday, February 6, 2009
I Shouldn't Have Written This and You Shouldn't Read It

I was going to post about my trip to Disneyworld, but I saw a thread on my MMA forum titled: Do You Think You Can Take a Chimp? As of this writing there were 285 responses. There are two basic arguments. The first is that humans are smarter and bigger than chimps, and with the posters’ martial arts training the chimp has no chance. The other argument, and my school of thought, is that chimps are made of equal parts evil and hatred, and they are proportionally much stronger than humans, not to mention that the very existence of this thread negates the premise that humans are smarter than chimps. As a note of clarification, I am talking about the chimpanzee and not the smaller more docile bonobo. In my own defense I didn’t read past the first page of the thread, and I didn’t respond – I didn’t need to. However, while this topic is funny it’s also something every guy everywhere thinks about every time he goes to the zoo or sees a chimp on television. Unless, and until, he sees a chimp special on the Discovery channel. Any special will do because they’re all the same. The females take care of the babies and interact with each other in a way that is disturbingly close to a sewing circle. The males spend their time grooming each other, and stalking, chasing, and butchering monkeys when they’re hungry. They also tear other chimps who wander into their territory to pieces. Chimp life is basically Braveheart without the kilts and brogues. Even if someone could match a chimp’s brutality, which he couldn’t, his martial arts training would be useless. Martial arts are designed to work against the human body and how it moves. Chimps are shaped differently. Their center of gravity is different, and the nature of their agility is different. And even if none of this was a factor I HAVEN’T EVEN MENTIONED THEIR HUGE SHARP TEETH! There was a story about a chimp trainer in England who didn’t lock a cage, and his chimps that he raised from birth ate his face and genitals. He died. Don’t f**k with a chimp. They’re Hannibal Lecter minus the Chianti.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I Don't Want To Be HERE! Either!!!

I was dragged down to Orlando by LFA for our 2009 Kickoff meeting. I spent $150 on a room at the Coronado Springs resort at Disneyworld. It’s a “value” resort, read “crappy”. My room smells like musty hotel. The Contemporary doesn’t smell like musty hotel. I understand the economy is in the toilet, and expenses have to be controlled, but how about this; skip the whole thing, and let me stay at home. Motivational speakers blah blah blah. Wholesalers blah blah blah. I get it. Sell more stuff. I miss my girls. On the bright side there’s an open bar for an hour.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I Don't Want To Be HERE!!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
LMJ: Saving The World One Daddy at A Time
Monday, February 2, 2009
No Pain, No Gain?
I ran a 5k this weekend and finished with my third best time ever. I was in the top ten in my age group, men 35-39. There were nine of us. I huffed and puffed behind the other eight. It was a really small race, but damn, dead last? I was feeling good and then I wasn’t. It didn’t help that as I scrolled down the results I wasn’t tops in any age group until men 75 & up. I dominate when it comes to races in the Deep South sponsored by a Jewish Community Center and people born before 1935. A sixty- seven year old man beat me by more than four minutes. An eight year old beat me by more than three minutes. I would have pushed him down if I could have caught him. I was pretty discouraged, until I saw the results for the 24-29 year old group. What a bunch of fatasses? I won that group by nearly three minutes. I don’t know if it’s more embarrassing for the race or for the three guys in the primes of their lives coming in dead last as a group. I may have been the weak link in my group, but at least I represented with a time under thirty minutes. The fastest guy in the 24-29 group barely broke thirty-two minutes. I’m sure the sixty-seven year old is writing a similar blog post about me. I didn’t almost die in the Mekong Delta so some lazy jackass in his late thirties can take his own sweet time to waddle across the finish line. You know what I was doing in my mid thirties? I was having flashbacks about Charlie. I don’t know if he’s a Viet Nam vet. He was mixed in the crowd enjoying coffee, bagels, and donuts while I was trying not to have a heart attack. I was really regretting my choice to post my goals on here during the last mile of the race. If I hadn’t told everyone what I wanted to do, I would have scaled back my pace saying screw it. I still don’t know what lesson I learned. On the one hand I ran a fast race, which I like. On the other hand I spent the better part of a half hour in excruciating pain, which I don’t.