Monday, March 9, 2009

Everything I Said About Florida Yesterday Was Bulls**t.

The River Run is less than a week away, and drinking too much beer and not getting enough sleep didn’t lend itself to a good session today. It’s a lesson I would think that I had learned by now. I didn’t drink a whole bunch of beer in beer drinking terms, but it was enough to affect how I ran today. Daylight savings time has thrown my internal clock off, so I wound up running at noon. It was 76 degrees during my four miles today, and the sun was beating down, forcing me to sweat more than I’m used to at this time of year. I cursed myself for the last forty-four minutes of my forty-five minute run. Why didn’t I eat right? Why didn’t I get out early this morning? Why did I sign up for this stupid race? I felt a little bit better as I passed runners who were in the same boat that I was in. Daylight savings time really is a bitch. I passed by three runners that had stopped in the middle of nowhere to stretch a calf, catch their breath, or hold on to a tree while trying desperately not to vomit into the St. Johns. I think my biggest mistake was running with my iPod. When I run with my music I unconsciously pace myself by the song that’s playing. I should running behind St. Vincent’s before Dem Franchise Boyz are done. I was almost a quarter mile short today. It really messed with my head. It was like watching a familiar movie with the soundtrack shifted back five minutes, nothing matches up anymore. On the bright side, I’m glad this happened Monday instead of Thursday. I think I sweat out all the beer. I’m definitely going to bed early tonight. I’m eating right, and I have five days to recover.


MJ said...

Baked skinless chicken, steamed broccoli, and salad. You're back on track.

JSG said...

Beer AFTER the race!