Friday, March 20, 2009

I Am NOT One of 10,000

I’m continuing from yesterday, inspired by JSG’s comment. (This is a warning: I lost complete control of this post about a hundred words in) Where are the trolls on Facebook? For every “I bet we can find 10,000 people to fight cancer” where is the corresponding “I bet we can find 10,000 people who deny the Holocaust”? I have friends all over the political spectrum, and some of the ones that are fans of Sarah Palin, I’m sure at least know people who would be one of that 10,000. I have a friend who sent a picture of his junk to another friend via Facebook chat, and in the grand scheme of things he’s not that weird. He just lacks tact and respect. What about people that are into necrobestiality? There’s a group on Facebook called “Say Yes to 70A. It’s an advocacy group based in London with 107 members that’s dedicated to stopping necrobestiality in the United Kingdom. If it’s a big enough problem to have 107 people on Facebook willing to join a group to stop it, then it’s a big enough problem for members of this alternative lifestyle to be on Facebook, but I only find “Say Yes to 70A” when I search necrobestiality. I understand that it’s illegal, at least in the United States, but there are countless marijuana groups on Facebook and that’s illegal. But marijuana is socially neutral at worst. George H.W. Bush will be the last president that doesn’t admit puffing ganja. Obama’s probably high right now. Necrobestiality is not considered cool, but I’m sure that people into interspecies erotica are a proud subset of the human family – they’re queer and they’re here – but they’re not here, at least not on Facebook. Well, I don’t buy the math. Facebook is always bragging about its 175 million active members. Some of them are into necrobestiality. Even if it’s just to prove the law of large numbers; I bet we can find 10,000 people who love necrobestiality.