Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was all set to go to the gym today, but then I decided to take a nap. If I don’t get to the Y first thing in the morning, then it’s doubtful I’ll make it at all. Today, I got home, ate lunch, got my workout clothes together, saw LMJ sleeping, and joined her. It was a conscious, deliberate choice. I didn’t even try to lie to myself by pretending that I’d just lie down for fifteen minutes. The windows were open. The air was sticky sweet with the smell of spring, and I said “Screw it. I’m taking a nap”. It was the right choice. There is little better in this world than an unexpected nap. I’ve been really off my bio-schedule since the time change, and this was a rare occasion to catch up a little bit. Plus it had the feel of playing hooky (is that term archaic?), which made it even better. It was a great nap. I didn’t just doze off. I fell deep into sleep. The only bad part was Senior Drill Instructor LMJ waking me up by poking me in the eye and saying “Up!” I don’t know if there have been any formal academic studies done, but in my informal independent study I’ve found that toddlers who haven’t quite reached their second birthday have a severe lack of patience and consideration for other points of view. Sometimes on the weekend her mother will ask her if Daddy wanted her to wake him up and the answer from LMJ is always the same, “Yeah!” Anyway, after I put my eye back in the socket and made sure I still had depth perception, we got up. I was refreshed and ready for the rest of the day, which is probably going to stretch close to midnight, and the vicious circle will start over tomorrow morning at 5am. It was totally worth it.


MJ said...

Did you want to get up?

Cute post. Jealous of your power nap. What are you guys--cats?

JSG said...

If your body and your toddler say nap, you nap dammit!

Don't try to fight the forces of nature.