Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bunch Of Jackasses

I’m getting angrier and angrier with Democratic Party and I am so glad that I never joined. After eight years of the stupidest and most arrogant Republican administration –the three branches of government and the Party itself included – the Democrats are trying to top them. The Democrats had a filibuster proof advantage in the Senate and did nothing with it. Then Ted Kennedy got sick and died. Then the Democrats half-assed the campaign to fill his seat and lost it. The Democrats lost a senate seat in Massachusetts to a Republican because they didn’t try. The election ended almost 24 hours ago yet no one has been fired by Obama. His health care bill is now screwed because the Democratic Party was too stupid to even show up. They assumed, and everyone knows what happens when assumption is the order of the day. Do the Democrats think they’re doing a good job? Do they think people that are unemployed aren’t angry? Didn’t they know that congressional seats are harder to hold onto after a new president’s first year? Don’t they know that this may have been the first domino falling that leads to one term for the president? I was hoping Obama was going to be FDR or JFK but it seems he’s on the way to being Jimmy Carter. On the one hand it was his first year. On the other hand he’s a quarter of the way through his first (only?) term. George W. Bush is gone. Barry begged for this job and he’s not doing a good one. Like all first term, different party Presidents, he had a bunch of goodwill and political capital going into his first year. What did Obama do with it? Nothing. He bailed out a bunch of millionaires and billionaires, just like the last guy. Now it’s a year later, he has a contentious senate; people are still out of work, and he still doesn’t seem to have any nuts. Good luck, asshole. I’ve said it before, and unless things pick up, I’ll say it again: I will vote for Mitt Romney without a second thought. I will vote for Sarah Palin with a second thought, depending on how tight her suits are. I have no problem rolling everything over every four years until someone is elected that doesn’t suck. The Democrats got spanked in an election for Ted Kennedy’s seat. How is it that none of them was too ashamed to show up for work this morning?


EJG said...

Rant on, my friend! You are 100% right on the mark!

JSG said...

Hard to get excited about a party that sucks less than the other one. Actually, it just sucks differently.