Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm In Some Discomfort

I did it wrong. I overdid my ab workout and now I’m in horrible pain. To tell the truth, it’s getting better. I’ve been adding a rep to each one of the exercises that I do, but my arms, chest, legs, and back don’t hurt like my abdominals. They hurt so bad that they affected all the other stuff I did today. A pushup is basically a plank in motion, so my weak abs weren't having it. I really didn’t think I was going to be able to finish them. Being the knucklehead that I am, the agony didn’t make me think it was okay to skip the ab work today. I wasn’t convinced to let my body heal up a bit until my sore stomach made my pull-ups harder. I don’t understand what it is about that group of muscles. They get and stay so much sorer than any other group of muscles. I was a mile into my run before they were warmed up and stopped hurting. I was feeling bad for wimping out of my sit-ups, but not after that. The good news is that I cruised through my run thanks to eating right and getting a good night’s sleep, and I had on dark socks so when my bloody blister burst it didn’t make a mess. I take victories wherever I can get them, no matter how small they might be. The bad news is that I just plain old flat out don’t have what it takes to get in the pool in this weather. I’m too much of a Florida boy. I have a hard time passing up the steam room and the sauna after walking through the parking lot. Tomorrow is the last day of my workout week so it’s going to be intense. It’s not going to be intense enough for me to get in the pool, but a double session of cardio will be the order of the day. I’m not too worried about my legs being too sore to chase LMJ on Friday. They’re in pretty good shape right now. I just hope my abs have stopped burning.

1 comment:

Cora Spondence said...

Dude, have a Little Debbie cake and take the day off, I'm beggin' you.