Sunday, March 14, 2010

It Got Late Early

It’s 9:30 at night and I’m just sitting down to write. The time change coupled with a busy weekend is killing me. I’m beyond tired. It’s not the mimosa and 14 beers I had this morning with my ma’s birthday brunch. I slept those off. I didn’t really have 14 but beer in the morning is a wonderful thing. If Jacksonville had decent public transportation I’d walk around with a permanent three beer buzz. The River Run and birthday brunch were a blast, and I would do them every weekend if I could, but it’s Sunday night and I’m worn out. What’s worse is that I have a 7am meeting tomorrow. At least I’m going to make a little bit of money. I did really take a nap this afternoon, but it was a catch up nap because I didn’t take one yesterday after I finished the race. I woke up from the nap still tired and shocked that it was so late – daylight savings time. I moped around for a bit until MJ suggested we get out of the house for some exercise. We thought about going to the track but chose the duck pond instead. We had a lot of old bread. LMJ was the only one who got any exercise feeding the ducks, even the ducks were too lazy to swim over and get the bread. It was cool and windy and my mood wasn’t improving. Once again Pablo MJ had the idea of taking LMJ for a walk in the stroller while I went for a short run. I did my little three mile along the river thing and the run really improved my mood. I needed to do get the lactic acid from yesterday moving anyway and the endorphin rush was a bonus. I put a load of laundry in the dryer. My clothes for tomorrow are already ironed. I’m focused and ready to start training for next year’s River Run. It’s going to be a good week.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Sounds productive! I am glad you all had a great time for our mother's birthday. Josh and I wish we could have been there to share in beers and mimosas.

NYC sounds better and better everytimg I have to get gas, get a buzz on and have to get home, need repairs on my car, have to pay for parking...