I’m bored and have nothing to write about. I want to write about college football, but I’ll just get angry. The preseason coaches’ poll, which I think is stupid, was released. The Gators, who I hate, are ranked number 1. So I’ll just try to chronicle my day. I got home early today. I took a nap. This afternoon I went to the beach. We were at the beach a long time. I think we timed it perfectly. LMJ woke up from her nap. We gave her a little something to eat. She watched a “pod” and we headed east. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and there was a wreck on the Mathews Bridge. I don’t know how anyone gets into a wreck when everyone is going the same direction with no stoplights or obstacles? It tied up traffic, and since we don’t have any patience, we drove around town trying to find the best way to get on to the Hart Bridge. It wound up taking us almost an hour to get to the beach. Once there we had a blast, and best of all, tired out the baby girl. She fell asleep, and MJ is making fun of me for watching Lock ‘n Load with R. Lee Ermy. It’s the new best show on television. Since she has a little bit of a reality TV addiction, I think her making fun of my viewing choices is a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black. When I look back at it, today was a really good day, and it should make me happy that I’m finding this really good day unremarkable. Especially when I consider that the summer is coming to an end and going to the beach on the spur of the moment soon won’t be possible. I’m also still in Disney mourning and it makes the clause in their hotel agreement stating that you will not have Disney as your permanent residence funnier. Oh well, maybe I’ll feel better after I exercise tomorrow.
1 comment:
We love that show. Gunny cracks me upa. This summer flew by, hopefully you all will still get in some beach time after school starts.
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