Friday, May 15, 2009

Any Time, Any Place, The Super Sleuths Are On The Case

This is most likely going to be boring, but I spent the day with a two year old and my brain is fried. I don’t know how stay at home moms stay sane. It takes LMJ about 45 minutes to suck me into her worldview, and I spend the rest of the day playing catch up. I have no idea what happens in the world on Fridays. It’s a blur of chasing a toddler, reading Richard Scarry books, and trying to limit how much Sesame Street and Winnie the Pooh we watch. The last part is the hardest because from the moment she wakes up in the morning until the moment she goes to sleep at night she’s asking to watch “Pooh” or “Pod (Sesame Street in some form)”. It’s worse than it was before because she’s discovered a CGI My Friends Tigger and Pooh series whose connection to anything A.A. Milne wrote is tenuous at best, and it’s growing on me. I don’t mean in the acquired taste kind of way; I mean in the skin rash kind of way. It’s saccharin sweet and hits the Pooh character clichés with the subtlety of a hurricane. What offends me most is that they’ve replaced Christopher Robin with a girl named Darby. I don’t have a problem with the character; I have a problem with the replacement. It wasn’t necessary. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what I think, LMJ loves it. Darby, Tigger, and Pooh are the Super Sleuths and they spend their time getting the other denizens of the 100 Acre Wood out of jams. It’s poorly written pabulum that’s written for adults who think they have an idea of what kids like, as opposed to the way the original stories were written by a guy watching how a little boy interacted with his stuffed animals. There’s no whimsy. It’s all fluff and cuteness. I have no idea why I’m even writing this. It’s a stupid 24 minute television show, but obviously it’s seeped into my brain and it’s taking over. I think I’m going to have to ban the show unless there are two adults available to act as life lines for each other.


MJ said...

Thanks for getting the song stuck in my head. You can always say the tv is broken (for now).

JSG said...

Now you understand why we were sucked into the world of Barney. If the 2 year old is happy, we're happy.

dgj said...

Teletubbies will do that to you, as well. But your reactin to the Tigger and Pooh desecration expresses how I feel about what Disney has done to really cool, really thoughtful stories like Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid.