Sunday, May 31, 2009

Working Hard at Having Fun.

I don’t understand how weekends got to be so exhausting. It’s Friday morning, I blink, it’s Sunday night. We went to the beach this morning to see friends at their condo. We got a late start so we had to think creatively to find a parking spot. The late start also meant the beach was a little bit more crowded than we like, but that’s usually unavoidable since crowded for us is anybody we don’t know and like within sight. LMJ wanted to sit on the steps leading to the beach. We drove a half hour, loaded up her stroller with beach stuff, walked down to the shore, and her favorite part was the wooden steps. We and our friend, ME, had matching beach tents set up so we looked like Cuban refugees in Miami in the early 80’s. We moved from the beach to the pool because it was less crowded and a little bit safer. There’s no undertow in the pool. This is where I had the most fun. We got a chance to put what LMJ learned in yesterday’s swim class to good use. One really crappy swim lesson made her a little afraid of the water. One really good swim lesson made her a dolphin again. I forgot to mention that as soon as we got to our spot on the beach the nice lifeguard pointed out a pod of dolphins in the ocean. Seeing wild dolphins, along with beer, sex, pizza, and money, is one of the few things in this world that is not subject to the law of diminishing returns. It’s one of the “that’s why!” reasons I’ll never live more than forty-five minutes from the ocean. After swimming in the pool, we headed home, loving the mini-van the whole way. LMJ slept on the trip back and was awake and ready to go when her grandparents showed up to play with her. Everyone loves her new star turtle, and we all had fun playing in the backyard, even if the weather and humidity is already reaching unbearable. Now it’s evening, we still have to get dinner, bathe a baby, set up coffee and the morning routine for tomorrow, and it’s the beginning of a new week with swimming and running. I don’t know if I was cut out to be busy.

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