Monday, November 19, 2007

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam (Today Is A Good Day To Die)

JSG and EJG have a ½ marathon coming up in a few days. JSG wrote a post about how she’s looking forward to finishing because she’s never run that far. She writes about enjoying running. I wish I felt that way, but that feeling died with me the instant I crossed the finish line of the River Run last year. Then a day or two later when the times were posted I saw that a guy I knew from high school finished in just under an hour, so I set the completely unrealistic goal of beating his time for the 2008 race. This attitude has dissolved any kind of joy I get from races, which is probably why I haven’t been running as many. For example, today after I finished my weight routine, which burns about eight hundred calories in twenty minutes, I ran three miles in under thirty minutes. This is the best I’ve done since becoming a Gym Jones disciple, but when I finished I was pissed because it took me more than twenty-five minutes. It hurt the whole time. I found myself thinking fitness clichés like, pain is just weakness leaving the body. I walked a half a mile to cool down, but my heart rate wouldn’t drop. I honestly thought that I had overdone it this time. Then I decided to stop being a euphemism generally reserved for the female genitalia and take some deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. I have an uncle who finishes the Ironman Triathlon. I ran three miles in twenty-eight minutes and change. I hadn’t done anything special. After seven deep breaths my heart was fine. I felt exhilarated. I’d earned a protein bar. If you don’t have a near death experience then it’s not really a workout. I stretched, drank some water, and drove home. Tomorrow is leg day.


JSG said...

I'm truly sorry that you can't enjoy the ride. If you post your time and beat your HS acquaintance, can you find peace, and then think about LIKING running?

Cora Spondence said...

I'm with you. It's always a good day to die, but never a good day to run. I want with all my heart to enjoy running, but it doesn't happen. I'm still working on it, though.