Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back To School

Yay!!! One day in a row on the exercise schedule. I guess it’s my fault. I should schedule better. I need to start scheduling work strictly in the late afternoon and evening. I always think I can get an appointment in early and get to the gym later in the day. Unfortunately, like today, I’m rarely able to make that work. If I’m going to get this triathlon thing right, I’m going to have to become one of those schedule people who maps out life in fifteen minute increments. It’s going to be a major sacrifice. I value free time, that is, unscheduled, uncommitted time more than diamond encrusted saffron. I’m from the Christopher Robin school where when someone asks you what you’re doing you say nothing, and then you do it.

I had an interesting meeting with a nice guy in his seventies yesterday, and we were talking about Riverside and Ortega architecture. My house came up and I said that I had an “old school” garage meaning it’s an older design. He thought I meant a garage that was either once a school or had belonged to a school. It’s funny because I thought “old school” had become transcendent. I thought not only did everyone know what it meant, but everyone used it. I guess it’s ironic that his failing to understand my use of old school means that he’s from the old school. I only used it because his Danish wife, who’s in her late sixties, used the term “cool”.

In my new hyper-accurate scheduling I’m going to have to find time for a master’s swim class. I don’t think I can get it at the Y. My swimming technique has to get better. The biggest problem is that I don’t know what I don’t know. I have no idea what I’m doing right, other than getting in the pool, or what I’m doing wrong. I’m also going to have to start taking my lunch(es) with me. I’m going to have to start eating once every three hours to keep my metabolism jacked to the max. I’m going to be like Rain Man. Judge Wapner comes on at 7:30 and it’s time for me to eat.


MJ said...

I like your post but fear that LMJ and I are detrimental to your schedule.

JSG said...

Schedule time to post!