Thursday, June 25, 2009

How Do You Keep Getting All Those Q's?

MJ tricked me into playing Scrabble on Facebook. I hate Scrabble. I hate Scrabble because I suck at Scrabble and have no interest in getting better. So we sit across from each other at our dining room table and stare at our computers and pretend we’re interacting. It’s reminding me of how things were in The Demolition Man. Where no one was allowed to touch and all the songs on the radio were old commercial jingles. It was the movie that got Sandra Bullock hired for Speed. MJ is a pro. She makes words like “quixotically” on triple word squares with both the “q” and the “x” on triple letter squares and it’s connected to “perspicacious” at the “c”. I make words like “its”, which I just learned is better than “it” for more than just the one point difference. If I put the “s” at the end I bump my score from 2 points to 6 points because it lands on a double word square tripling my score. But it gets even better because now MJ can’t get the double AND triple word score when she makes “skullduggery” on the end of “its” instead of “it”. After four turns I’m losing google to 65. Walter Mondale called and told me he’d never seen anyone get their ass whipped like this. MJ named this game “Don’t get frustrated”. Too late. I get frustrated because I went three rounds before I got a consonant, which wouldn’t be a big deal if we were playing in Hawaiian. I get frustrated because I leave her ridiculous scoring opportunities and she takes advantage of them. I get frustrated because she makes eleven letter words in a seven tile game. I get frustrated because she’s been beating me like this for more than twenty years. I get frustrated because I have to wait hours between turns because we’re doing other things, and if I can just get the right letters I can catch her.


MJ said...

The way you feel is how I feel when I play JSG. I appreciate that you'll play and I genuinely hope you get better. I would tell you that I'm not that good but maybe you need to believe I'm that good since I always win.

JSG said...

She's better than she lets on. I think there are way too many Is also....

I love that Shaq video, BTW.

BellsOn said...

Ahh, Scrabble. So kind of you to continue to play. I have a hard time finding opponents in my family, and smart tenth graders are easy marks.