Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More, More, More

I had my best day swimming so far. I can now comfortably swim 100 yards without having to call upon my will to live. I’m taking my mother’s advice and trusting the water. I swam slowly with a lot of control (for me) and I didn’t sink to the bottom. I’m getting more comfortable in the pool every session. I didn’t have a very good day on the dreadmill. I’m sure it has something to do with me adding 50 yards a day in the pool and a tenth of a mile to my running pace every day as well. It all looks good on paper. A tenth of a mile is 176 yards. I wouldn’t think that little distance spread over an hour would be a big deal, and I would be wrong. I also added pushups, chin ups, and sit ups. I’ll be doing one more of those each day as well. That may have factored into my running difficulties, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t really care about the running right now. I’m excited about my swimming progress and seeing what my calisthenics limits are – if there are any. Will I bang out 381 chin ups a year from now? Why not? Will I be able to keep up with the old woman two lanes over who is swimming steadily before I get there and still swimming steadily after I shower and leave? Why not? Those are sort of long term goals, but not really. I just want to improve every day. I’m trying to have a “take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves” attitude. I struggled through my session on the dreadmill, but I was smart about it and slowed down for about fifteen minutes, picking the pace back up for the last fifteen. I didn’t do as well as I wanted but I did better than last Thursday, and there’s no such thing as bad profit. I’m also not dead tired like I was last week. Things are rounding out nicely.

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