Monday, November 9, 2009

Running Fast Is Fun

I just can’t get the scheduling to go swimming. I’m getting everything I need ready now for tomorrow morning: my swimsuit, my goggles, my flippy-floppies (I’m in the pool. You at Kinkos straight making copies). Even though I couldn’t get to the pool today I didn’t waste it. I gained thirty-seven pounds over the weekend, so I had to do something. It was one of those days where anything I did was going to be bonus because I was not motivated. The Swine flu really got me off schedule and lazy. I had plans to run long today, because of the weight gain, but by the time I got dressed and downstairs I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I compromised with myself, which is totally natural. Everybody does it. I decided to run 5k, but to run it hard. It wasn’t too hot and it was overcast, so the weather was tailor made for speed. I am so old. I struggled for the first two miles and I was only running three. It took me almost twenty minutes to warm up. I was hobbling around corners because my ankles are getting more arthritic every day. I was on my way back before I finally started to get comfortable and into a groove. My last mile was my fastest by about twenty seconds. I sprinted up hill the last two tenths of a mile, which may or may not have been a good idea. Is 202 beats per minute still in my fat burning zone? After I finished and got my heart rate below squirrel on meth, I felt great. I’m glad I got out and ran. I’m back in my exercise groove. I always forget how much I like the endorphins that are released when I exercise. I need to put posters or something up to remind me. Today was fun but tomorrow it’s the pool.

1 comment:

Beth said...

"Squirrel on meth"--LOL!