Thursday, November 19, 2009

Worn Out With My Gym Still Left

I really overdid it at the gym this morning. I skipped yesterday so I suppose I tried to make up for it today. I’m adding fifty yards to my swim every day. That’s how I’m going to get in swimming shape. I rest when I need to, but I swim the way I swim. If it’s fast then it’s fast. I felt great getting out of the pool, which I’m learning means nothing. Actually, I was a little tired; more tired than I have been during my pool initiation. I spent some time doing nothing in the pool, just sort of bouncing in the water, and a couple minutes under a cold shower to cool off before my run. I also rinsed off because I think the chlorine is dulling my afro, and that’s at the tippy top of things that ain’t gonna happen. For the first time in about four years I’m thinking about shaving my head. For the first time ever I’m thinking about getting a racing suit. I figure it’s going to make a difference once I start competing. There’s might be a time in the not too distant future where standing booty naked covered in Nair is going to be part of my routine. It’s not because I’m becoming a fanatic – well, not only – but because it’s simple and practical. My laziness usually trumps my vanity. Anyway, I got changed into my running gear and headed to the dreadmills. Running at a predetermined constant pace was the only way I was going to get an hour out of myself, that and I didn’t bring my watch. Everything was going fine until I had 5 minutes and 43 seconds left when my iPod died. That last five minutes turned into a thousand years. My iPod battery has been dying for a while, but today was the first day that I couldn’t get an hour out of it. The decision to buy a Nano or stop doing cardio inside is being forced on me. I can’t be on a machine without tunes, but I can get lost in thought and scenery running outside. The downside to running every day is that it will tear up my legs. This is quite the conundrum for me.

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