Oh man, I bet Strom Thurmond is glad he’s dead. A Negro Democrat in the White House. A Negro dominating golf. A Negro coaching in the Superbowl. A Negro named head of the Republican National Committee. I’m sorry, what was that last one? Michael Steele, Negro and former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, was named head of the Republican National Committee yesterday. It looks like the G.O.P. may have turned a corner, or finally woke up and realized what they had become. The vote came down to some douche from South Carolina and the bourgey brother from D.C. The Republicans made the choice to complete the marginalization of the Dixiecrat. Wow, they actually want to hold office again. Steele is a moderate conservative, and by that I mean he thinks about the stuff he’s going to say before he lets it come flying out of his mouth. If the Republicans had found their courage six months ago and had chosen him as McCain’s running mate instead of Sarah Palin the election would have been a lot closer. But they say you can’t make a real change until you’ve hit rock bottom, so the lovely governor from Alaska got her fifteen minutes. She may have more time in the spotlight in political science schools because she may be the lasting symbol of the death of the Southern strategy in the Republican Party, at least at the national level. We may have seen the last of the Trent Lotts, the Jessie Helms, the Tom DeLays, the Strom Thurmonds, and the George W. Bushs for a while. There won’t be any fanfare but Steele’s election is huge, and it’s great for the country. Not because he's black, but because there is a serious man in the White House and a serious man in charge of the opposition party. We gotcha comin’ and goin’ baby.
I didn't notice it until I had posted it. I was trying to be funny, but the photo of Martin and Malcolm together is powerful - really powerful.