Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rahm And Sarah

I’m drawing the line at retarded. I’ve eliminated – for the most part – racist and homophobic slurs from my daily lexicon due to political correctness. The United States is still fighting two wars. The economy is still in the toilet. So I’m not seeing any real upside to eliminating some of my favorite words and phrases. Retarded and all its iterations stay, including slapping “tard” on the end of any word I see fit. Sarah Palin is whining about Rahm Emanuel using the R-word to describe liberals against the president’s health care bill. Palin has a son with Down’s syndrome (which obviously means God is punishing her for something, WHORE). Ironically, his name is Trig, a higher mathematics his extra chromosome will never allow him to understand. She’s comparing the use of the R-word to the use of the N-word. I don’t think it’s a valid comparison. One of those slurs leveled at a member of the affected group will get you knocked the f*ck out. The other won’t. Personally, I think everything needs to be in play. The retards that seem to get elected in the square states would experience a catharsis if they could openly call the president “That Uppity Nigger”, and it would hopefully pull into sharp contrast exactly where this country is for the retards that seem to get elected from the funny shaped states – though they’re not getting elected as often as they were. We hate each other. We always have and we always will (see Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America). However, we’re never going to make any progress until we can put aside fake hurt feelings and at least try to have an honest discussion – or all out race war. I’m cool either way. Emanuel has contacted the Special Olympics, but hasn’t apologized to the liberals he insulted (good for him). Palin wants Emanuel fired. Barack Obama can wrap up my vote right here and right now. I’ll ignore the economy. I’ll ignore the wars. I’ll ignore healthcare. All the Magic Negro has to do is respond to Sarah Palin’s request with a question: Bitch, are you fu*kin’ retarded?


tainij said...

The other LJ almost hurt himself laughing at this.

Beth said...

Way to let it all hang out. LMAO! I don't want to give up retarded either.

JSG said...

Retard - Not funny as a diagnosis. Funny as an explicative.

N word. Not funny.

EJG said...

Rahm should have told her that he said "Ritard" (as in to gradually slow down the music). That would have shut the retard up.

MJ said...

Here's an example of how your blog is so different than mine. I admire your ability to write what you really feel.

Christina said...

The last line is one of my favorie things to say to people when they act the part. I would pay our fearless leader if he said that to SP.


Cora Spondence said...

Reading your post was the highlight of my rather long and retarded day. Bless you.